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My Story

Over the arc of my career I have worked as: a fitness professional, public speaker, university lecturer on the mind-body connection, non-profit fundraiser, integrated marketing communications specialist, and more. It took a midlife trifecta of a divorce, unemployment and a fall at the top of a mountain to finally re-orient my life toward my passion: horses.


My mission is to make a difference in the lives of horses and their guardians by creating heart-centered connections that support the return to harmony. My whole-horse body-work focuses on equine acupressure, myofascial release, massage (including shiatsu, tui na and trigger point), and Reiki Shinpiden level (animal and human). I also like to share my love of HeartMath, T-Touch,  energy work and other amazing modalities to improve how guardians connect with their own horses.


I am a certified HeartMath Coach and Mentor and a former associate instructor at Elemental Acupressure. And, my most meaningful work is providing compassionate comfort-care to horses, their guardians and herd-mates as an end-of-life doula…offering harmony in life and in death.


Click the link to read testimonials from a few happy clients.


As a life-long learner I attend workshops, clinics and trainings with the motivation to provide the best care for the horses and my clients. While on-going education and training are a priority, my greatest teachers are the horses themselves and for that I am grateful.  Some of the organizations and teachers that have influenced me the most include:

  • Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Institute (graduate of practitioner program)

  • Elemental Acupressure (former Associate Instructor)

  • Let Animals Lead® method of Animal Reiki created by Kathleen Prasad of Animal Reiki Source® (Shinpiden, Okuden and Teacher certification)

  • Mark F. Barnes Equine Myofascial Release (MFR) level 1 & 2

  • HeartMath® (Certified Mentor/Coach)

  • Whole Horse Trimming and Certification with Ida Hammer (Certified)

  • Donkey hoof trimming with Megan Hensley 

  • Daisy Bicking School of Integrative Hoofcare (continuing education)

  • Anna Breytenbach and Brad Laughlin 

  • Tamara Thomas

  • Stormy May

  • Nick Pole 

  • Mark Rashid

  • Brent Graef

  • Therasage 

  • Epala with Juli Lynch

  • Robin Salerno

  • Kirsten Nelsen

  • Anna Blake

  • Andrea Datz

  • Tamara Parr

  • Linda Tellington-Jones of T-Touch

  • Horse Speak with Sharon Wilsie

  • Wendy Murdoch, creator of Sure Foot pads 

  • Ida Hammer, Pete Ramey and Yogi Sharp

  • Jillian Kreinbring

  • Tami Elkayam


I also maintain membership in a variety of organizations, including:


As a practitioner of Let Animals Lead® method of Animal Reiki created by Kathleen Prasad of Animal Reiki Source®, I also volunteer my time as a member of SARA (Shelter Animal Reiki Association). SARA is a non-profit organization that teaches and promotes the Let Animals Lead® Method of Reiki created by Kathleen Prasad, which uses meditation practices. The goal is to create a peaceful, healing environment within shelters and other animal care settings. Working closely with staff and volunteers of shelter/rescues, veterinarians, and service organizations the work helps create a positive healing space for all.


Finally, if you are wondering where the name came from...Red Dog Ranch is named in memory of my beloved Golden Retriever, Ella, who embodied all that is good in the world: she approached every day with an infectious love of life, exhibited gentle compassion toward all living creatures and created a special connection with each and every person she met; all the qualities I strive to embody in my work and life.


My husband, Tim, and I live at Red Dog Ranch with our rescue family: three horses (Copper the Buckskin, Romeo the Thoroughbred and Pye the majestic red roan), Hamish and Milo the standard donkeys, two cats (Elmer and Felix) and our Golden Retriever, Darcy.


Thanks for taking the time to visit my website! I look forward to helping you and your horse enjoy more time together.

~ Sam MacLean


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Sam and her horses
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